Thursday, October 30, 2008

Have been some time since I last updated my blog.

I have been so so so so so x 10 busy with my projects.I am feeling so lethargic.moodless.and on the other hand,highly motivating myself to persevere till the end..when I am on the verge of giving up.seriously.this is not a joke.I am feeling so contradicting.I feel like a tree now.longing for the gardener..but hes vvv busy too..lets add oil togather yea! I am not going to say die no matter how tough life seems to be.. =))

every problem has a solution.

soon,my holidays are about two weeks time?
I am going to do my vv best in everything now.I am going to put in my 101% after my holidays and when I am back to school again.

for now,all I can say is I am not left with much I can only do my best to complete whatever I can.SIGH.I feel so horrible.driving me nuts. >.<>

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