Thursday, January 22, 2009

was chatting with li wen earlier on.hmm.was sharing with her I have been feeling restless these days.dont know why.she told me its because I cant let my mind clear of thinking and I kept on thinking about things/broading about things.hmm.I feel its really true.
Sigh~anyway,I dont think its because of stress or what.I am worried.worried about someone.lose contact with him these few days.couldnt get to him.hopefully hes fine..I am doing work..attending classes..hanging out with friends or alone some times..I still cant help feeling worried..sigh.

guessed there are also alot of thoughts on my mind lately.

then was thinking of how to not feel restless.then got alot of ideas..quite funny.haahs.was sharing with li wen..hahas..

like she told me draw trees can end up in drawing
I told her i wanted to draw female illustrations may end up drawing male version one. =P
I may even express my emotions through drawings.and may end up crying?hmm.
I wont scream.maybe shout,jump or 'plucks hair'.hahas.
can imagine doing all these weird things in bus?people may think I am mad..hahas.

hmm.really missed abby alot! ahh! and chewheng you girls! grr. =P
meetups soon.hehe.sorry that our schedules always clashed..sigh..but at least we didnt lose contact.. =))

hmm.and think I am meeting up with my dear cousin so often that I am getting tired.hahas.oops! I never say that! joking only..hehe.. =P

anyway..ed..maybe you can take over the plannins and update me..hahas..

hmm..met up with wilson today..chatted alot..and also thansk so much for the shoe! hopefully the size and colour is correct! hahas..if not carol will kill me.. =P

and my hair is getting longer..i went to trim my least is not so thick..hehe..and when it gets longer..i am going to trim it again..zz

and I changed my side fringe to bangs! hahas..looks kinda fuuny.never mind.. =P

take a look! =))

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